MANNOL STP Grease Ester is a multi-purpose grease, made on the basis of highly refined mineral oils with calcium soap-based thickener with the addition of synthetic esters and special anti-oxidant and anti-corrosive additives. The oil base is mineral oil with viscosity within the limits of 90–110 mm2/s at 40 °C.
Intended for temporary lubrication of car chassis, pins, joints, guides in the range of practical working temperatures from -20 °C up to +60 °C. The soft consistency of the grease facilitates the use of lubricating equipment such as pneumatic grease guns. Has good resistance to cold water. Not suitable for lubrication of rolling bearings and water jet pumps.
- The presence of synthetic esters in the composition significantly increases the anti-wear, anti-scuffing and anti-friction properties of the grease;
- Maintains its operational properties from -20 °С to +60 °С;
- Has excellent water resistance;
- Reliably protects against corrosion when the equipment operates in a contaminated environment for a long period of time;
- Has improved pumpability, which facilitates the use of grease guns;
- Grease consistency remains constant during long-term storage. Shelf life: 5 years from date of production.
- A variety of slide assemblies such as kingpins, pins, slide guides;
- Can be used as conservation material;
- Not approved for use in rolling bearings and water jet pumps.
Observe the manufacturer’s instructions in the operating manual of the equipment!